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  • Optimise Platinum
  • Net One ILH with Day to Day Most
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These are all plans at your price point ranked by popularity*

  • Irish Life Health

    Optimise Platinum

    from 747.55

    Hospital Cover

    Public Hospitals

    • Semi-private room in a public hospital
    • Private room in a public hospital

    Private Hospitals

    • Semi-private room Covered
    • Private room Covered

    High Tech Hospitals

    • Semi-private room Covered
    • Private room Covered

    Extra Cover

    MRI Scans
    GP Visits
    CT Scans
    Hospital Cover

    Inpatient scans and Consultants fees

    • Consultant fees Covered
    • Inpatient Scans Covered

    Public Hospitals

    • Day Case Covered
    • Private Room Covered
    • Semi Private Room Covered

    Private Hospitals

    • Day Case Covered
    • Private Room Covered
    • Semi Private Room Covered

    High Tech Hospitals

    • Day Case Covered
    • Listed Cardiac Procedures Covered
    • Listed Special Procedures Covered
    • Private Room Covered
    • Semi Private Room Covered
    Outpatient Benefits

    Subject to excess

    • A&E Cover (in choice of High Tech, Private and Public Hospitals) €150 contribution towards A&E visit in any hi-tech, private or public hospital once per policy year, subject to outpatient excess
    • Antenatal Class €75 towards an antenatal class
    • Breastfeeding Consultancy €25 x 2 sessions
    • Consultant fees €150 per visit, unlimited, subject to outpatient excess
    • Convalescence benefits €75 x 16 days
    • Digital Doctor Unlimited. See for further information.
    • Emergency Dental Care €450, subject to outpatient excess
    • Female Health Consultation 50% cover x 4 consultations per year with our provider partner
    • Health screening Up to €450 towards a Health Screen once per policy year
    • Home Recovery Benefit €80 x 10 days, subject to outpatient excess
    • HPV Vaccine 50% up to €200 per policy year
    • Manual Lymph Drainage €40 x 5 visits, subject to outpatient excess
    • Maternity Mental Health Support €40 x 10 sessions with Nurture
    • Medical and surgical appliances As per specified list, subject to outpatient excess
    • Minor Injury Clinic Cover 75% up to €500 per visit
    • Minor Injury Clinic Cover (Pay & Claim) 75% up to €500 per visit
    • Nurse on call Covered
    • Partner Benefit €50 x 2 days travel, accommodation & child minding expenses
    • Pathology: Consultant fees As per schedule of benefits for professional fees, subject to outpatient excess
    • Pathology: Cost of test Covered, subject to outpatient excess
    • Pre/Post natal medical expenses €400, subject to outpatient excess
    • Psycho-oncology Counselling €40 x 5 visits, subject to outpatient excess
    • Radiology: Consultant fees As per schedule of benefits for professional fees, subject to outpatient excess
    • Radiology: Cost of test Covered, subject to outpatient excess
    • Vaccinations: Travel Only €50 per year

    Scan Cover

    • CT Scan: approved centre Covered
    • CT Scan: non approved centre €200
    • MRI Scan: approved centre Covered
    • MRI Scan: non approved centre €350
    • PET-CT Scan: approved centre Covered
    • PET-CT Scan: non approved centre Not covered on this plan

    Scans & X-Rays pack

    There are no Scans and X-Rays benefits available.

    Emergency Access pack

    There are no Emergency Access benefits available.

    Member Benefits
    • Back Up
    • Health Screening
    • International Second Opinion Service
    • Laser Eye Surgery
    Other Inpatient Benefits
    • Alternative amount for Post Operative Home Help €120
    • Cancer Support Benefit (for accommodation expenses when travelling more than 50km) Up to €100 per day up to a maximum of €1500 per calendar year
    • Care Connect Covered (refer to membership handbook)
    • Child Home Nursing €100 x 21 days (following an inpatient stay of minimum 5 days)
    • EXOGEN therapy Covered with our provider partner
    • Gender Affirmation Benefit 50% up to €10,000 per lifetime
    • Genetic Testing for Cancer Treatment Options - Foundation One CDx Covered
    • Genetic Testing: Initial consultation 50% cover
    • Genetic Testing: Test for specified genetic mutations Covered in approved clinics with our approved consultant
    • Health in the Home Covered with our provider partner
    • Healthy Minds Online access to mental health assessments and content and up to 6 counselling sessions via phone, chat, video or face to face
    • Medicall ambulance costs Covered (refer to Membership Handbook)
    • Oncotype DX Covered
    • Parent accompanying child €40 x 14 days (not payable for the first 3 days)
    • Post Operative Home Help 3 x 3 hour cleaning sessions
    • GentleBirth App See handbook for details
    • Grant-in-aid amount Covered up to €3,850
    • Home birth Covered up to €3,850
    • Home Early Support following 1 night stay in hospital 2 hours midwife and 3 x 4 hours with postnatal supporter
    • Home Early Support following 2 nights stay in hospital 1 hour midwife and 3 x 3 hours with postnatal supporter
    • Inpatient maternity consultant fees As per schedule of benefits for professional fees
    • Postnatal Domestic Support 3 x 3 hour cleaning sessions
    • Postnatal Doula Support 2 x 3 hour sessions with postnatal supporter
    • Public hospital cover for maternity 3 nights accommodation
    • Welcome Home Food Hamper Hamper and 30 minute phone consultation with a nutritionist
    Emergency Inpatient Treatment Abroad and related benefits
    • 24 hour telephone assistance Covered
    • Companion repatriation expenses Covered up to €1,500
    • Expenses for companion who remains with you Covered up to €1,500
    • Hospital bill for inpatient treatment Covered up to €100,000
    • Repatriation expenses Covered up to €1 million
    Personalised Packages

    There are no Personalised Packages available.

    Psychiatric Treatment
    • Not related to substance abuse 180 days (up to the level of Hospital Cover provided under your plan)
    • Related to substance abuse 91 days per 5 years (up to the level of Hospital Cover provided under your plan)
    Day To Day Benefits

    Day to Day Practicioners

    There are no Day To Day Practitioners benefits available.

    Day 2 Day Pack

    There are no Day 2 Day Pack benefits available.

    Allied Professionals and Alternative Practitioners

    There are no Allied Professionals and Alternative Practitioners benefits available.

    Other Day to Day Benefits

    There are no Other Day To Day benefits available.

    Elective Overseas Referral
    • Benefit abroad for surgical procedures that are available in Ireland Yes - subject to level of cover available in Ireland
    • Benefit abroad for surgical procedures that are not available in Ireland Yes - up to the amount for the most similar surgical procedure to treat the same condition in Ireland
    Download Table of Cover
  • from 88.62

    Hospital Cover

    Public Hospitals

    • Semi-private room in a public hospital
    • Private room in a public hospital

    Private Hospitals

    • Semi-private room not covered
    • Private room not covered

    High Tech Hospitals

    • Semi-private room not covered
    • Private room not covered

    Extra Cover

    MRI Scans
    GP Visits
    CT Scans
    Hospital Cover

    Inpatient scans and Consultants fees

    • Consultants fees (In selected hospitals only) Covered
    • Inpatient Scans (In selected hospitals only) Covered

    Public Hospitals

    • Day Case Covered
    • Private Room Covered
    • Semi Private Room Covered

    Private Hospitals

    • Day Case Not covered on this plan
    • Private Room Not covered on this plan
    • Semi Private Room Not covered on this plan

    High Tech Hospitals

    • Day Case Not covered on this plan
    • Listed Cardiac Procedures Not covered on this plan
    • Listed Special Procedures Not covered on this plan
    • Private Room Not covered on this plan
    • Semi Private Room Not covered on this plan
    Outpatient Benefits

    Subject to excess

    • Consultant fees (non-maternity) €40 per visit, subject to outpatient excess
    • Convalescence benefits €26 x 14 days
    • Digital Doctor Unlimited. See for further information.
    • Female Health Consultation 50% cover x 4 consultations per year with our provider partner
    • GP Visits €15 x 4 visits, subject to outpatient excess
    • HPV Vaccine 50% up to €200 per policy year
    • Medical and surgical appliances As per specified list, subject to outpatient excess
    • Minor Injury Clinic Cover 50% up to €100 per visit
    • Minor Injury Clinic Cover (Pay & Claim) 50% up to €100 per visit
    • Nurse on call Covered
    • Pathology: Consultant fees €25 per consultant fee, subject to outpatient excess
    • Pathology: Cost of test €20 per test, subject to outpatient excess
    • Public A&E Cover €60 x 1 visit, subject to outpatient excess
    • Radiology: Consultant fees €25 per consultant fee, subject to outpatient excess
    • Radiology: Cost of test €20 per test, subject to outpatient excess

    Scan Cover

    • CT Scan: approved centre Covered
    • CT Scan: non approved centre Not covered on this plan
    • MRI Scan: approved centre Covered
    • MRI Scan: non approved centre Not covered on this plan
    • PET-CT Scan: approved centre Covered
    • PET-CT Scan: non approved centre Not covered on this plan

    Scans & X-Rays pack

    There are no Scans and X-Rays benefits available.

    Emergency Access pack

    There are no Emergency Access benefits available.

    Member Benefits
    • Allen Carr Smoking Cessation
    • Back Up
    • Health Screening
    • Laser Eye Surgery
    Other Inpatient Benefits
    • Care Connect Covered (refer to membership handbook)
    • EXOGEN therapy Covered with our provider partner
    • Health in the Home Covered with our provider partner
    • Healthy Minds Online access to mental health assessments and content and up to 6 counselling sessions via phone, chat, video or face to face
    • Medicall ambulance costs Covered (refer to Membership Handbook)
    • Oncotype DX Covered
    • GentleBirth App See handbook for details
    • Inpatient maternity consultant fees Covered up to €296
    • Public hospital cover for maternity Covered up to €385
    Emergency Inpatient Treatment Abroad and related benefits
    • Companion expenses (to remain with you or travel to you from Ireland or escort you) €1,000
    • Hospital bill for inpatient treatment Covered up to €100,000
    • Nurse 24/7 International Covered
    • Repatriation expenses Covered up to €1 million
    Personalised Packages

    During checkout you may choose any 1 personalised packages at no extra cost.

    • Dental And Optical
    • Discounts for benefits like eye exams, prescription glasses and laser eye surgery.
    • Enhanced Maternity
    • Cash back for private consultant fees and pre & post-natal yoga and pilates classes.
    • Family Protection
    • Free family life cover, flu vaccines and a first aid course for parents.
    • Sports Cover
    • Cash back on a range of benefits including physiotherapist and a free metabolic test.
    Psychiatric Treatment
    • Not related to substance abuse 120 days (up to the level of Hospital Cover provided under your plan for your listed hospitals)
    • Related to substance abuse 91 days per 5 years (up to the level of Hospital Cover provided under your plan)
    Day To Day Benefits

    Day to Day Practicioners

    • Dentist Visits €25 x 5 visits
    • Digital Doctor Unlimited. See for further information.
    • GP Visits €25 x 5 visits
    • Nurse on call Covered
    • Physiotherapist or Physical therapist €25 x 7 visits

    Day 2 Day Pack

    There are no Day 2 Day Pack benefits available.

    Allied Professionals and Alternative Practitioners

    • Acupuncturist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Chiropodist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Chiropractor €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Dietician €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Homeopath €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Massage therapist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Nutritionist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Occupational therapist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Orthoptist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Osteopath €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Podiatrist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Reflexologist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Reiki practitioner €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Speech therapist €25 x 5 combined visits

    Other Day to Day Benefits

    • Consultant fees (non-maternity) €60 x 3 visits
    • Health Screening & allergy testing Up to €80 per policy year
    • Optical (eye test and/or glasses/lenses combined) €25 x 5 visits
    • Public A&E Cover €40 x 3 visits
    Elective Overseas Referral
    Download Table of Cover
  • from 150.68
    Free Travel Insurance

    Hospital Cover

    Public Hospitals

    • Semi-private room in a public hospital
    • Private room in a public hospital

    Private Hospitals

    • Semi-private room Covered subject to €150 per claim subject to €2,000 co-payment on certain orthopaedic procedures
    • Private room Semi-Private Rate subject to €150 per claim subject to €2,000 co-payment on certain orthopaedic procedures

    High Tech Hospitals

    • Semi-private room Covered (Beacon Only) subject to €150 per claim
    • Private room Semi-Private Rate (Beacon only) subject to €150 per claim.

    Extra Cover

    MRI Scans
    GP Visits
    CT Scans
    Hospital Cover

    Inpatient scans and Consultants fees

    • Consultants fees (In selected hospitals only) Covered
    • Inpatient Scans (In selected hospitals only) Covered

    Public Hospitals

    • Day Case Covered
    • Private Room Covered
    • Semi Private Room Covered

    Private Hospitals

    • Day Case Covered subject to €50 excess per claim
    • Private Room Semi-Private Rate subject to €150 per claim subject to €2,000 co-payment on certain orthopaedic procedures
    • Semi Private Room Covered subject to €150 per claim subject to €2,000 co-payment on certain orthopaedic procedures

    High Tech Hospitals

    • Day Case Covered in Beacon Only; subject to €50 excess per claim
    • Listed Cardiac Procedures Not covered on this plan
    • Listed Special Procedures Covered in Beacon Only; subject to €150 excess per claim; subject to €2,000 co-payment on certain orthopaedic procedures
    • Private Room Semi-Private Rate (Beacon only) subject to €150 per claim.
    • Semi Private Room Covered (Beacon Only) subject to €150 per claim
    Outpatient Benefits

    Subject to excess

    • Consultant fees (non-maternity) €60 per visit, subject to outpatient excess
    • Convalescence benefits €26 x 14 days
    • Digital Doctor Unlimited. See for further information.
    • Emergency Dental Care Covered up to €350, subject to outpatient excess
    • Female Health Consultation 50% cover x 4 consultations per year with our provider partner
    • GP Visits €20 per visit, subject to outpatient excess
    • HPV Vaccine 50% up to €200 per policy year
    • Manual Lymph Drainage Up to €300, subject to outpatient excess
    • Medical and surgical appliances As per specified list, subject to outpatient excess
    • Metabolic testing Fully covered for a standard test with Health Matters
    • Minor Injury Clinic Cover 70% up to €200 per visit
    • Minor Injury Clinic Cover (Pay & Claim) 70% up to €200 per visit
    • Nurse on call Covered
    • One hour teeth whitening 10% point of sale discount plus 10% contribution up to max. of €25
    • Pathology: Consultant fees 50% per consultant fee, subject to outpatient excess
    • Pathology: Cost of test 50% Cover, subject to outpatient excess
    • Physiotherapist or Physical therapist €25 x 2 visit
    • Public A&E Cover €60 per visit, subject to outpatient excess
    • Radiology: Consultant fees 50% per consultant fee, subject to outpatient excess
    • Radiology: Cost of test 50% Cover, subject to outpatient excess
    • Retainers & fitted gum shields €25 contribution
    • Sexual Health Screening - HPV €50 contribution with our provider partner
    • Sexual Health Screening - Simple 2 Test €35 contribution with our provider partner
    • Sexual Health Screening - Standard 6 Test €40 contribution with our provider partner

    Scan Cover

    • CT Scan: approved centre Covered
    • CT Scan: non approved centre Covered up to €250
    • MRI Scan: approved centre Covered
    • MRI Scan: non approved centre Covered up to €250
    • PET-CT Scan: approved centre Covered
    • PET-CT Scan: non approved centre Covered up to €250

    Scans & X-Rays pack

    There are no Scans and X-Rays benefits available.

    Emergency Access pack

    There are no Emergency Access benefits available.

    Member Benefits
    • Allen Carr Smoking Cessation
    • Back Up
    • Health Screening
    • Laser Eye Surgery
    Other Inpatient Benefits
    • Cancer Support Benefit (for accommodation expenses when travelling more than 50km) Up to €100 per day up to a maximum of €1500 per calendar year
    • Care Connect Covered (refer to membership handbook)
    • EXOGEN therapy Covered with our provider partner
    • Gender Affirmation Benefit 50% up to €10,000 per lifetime
    • Genetic Testing for Cancer Treatment Options - Foundation One CDx Covered
    • Genetic Testing: Initial consultation 50% cover
    • Genetic Testing: Test for specified genetic mutations Covered in approved clinics with our approved consultant
    • Health in the Home Covered with our provider partner
    • Healthy Minds Online access to mental health assessments and content and up to 6 counselling sessions via phone, chat, video or face to face
    • Medicall ambulance costs Covered (refer to Membership Handbook)
    • Oncotype DX Covered
    • Inpatient maternity consultant fees As per schedule of benefits for professional fees
    • Public hospital cover for maternity 3 nights accommodation in a private room
    Emergency Inpatient Treatment Abroad and related benefits
    • 24 hour telephone assistance Covered
    • Additional costs arising from in-patient claim €1,500
    • Additional costs arising from out-patient claim €500
    • Companion expenses (to remain with you or travel to you from Ireland or escort you) €1,000
    • Hospital bill for inpatient treatment Covered up to €100,000
    • Out-patient A&E Abroad 50% up to €1,000
    • Repatriation expenses Covered up to €1 million
    Personalised Packages

    During checkout you may choose any 1 personalised packages at no extra cost.

    • Travel and Sports Cover
    • Cash back for sports related expenses such as physio visits and a FREE annual worldwide multi-trip travel insurance policy.
    Psychiatric Treatment
    • Not related to substance abuse 100 days (up to the level of Hospital Cover provided under your plan for your listed hospitals)
    • Related to substance abuse 91 days per 5 years (up to the level of Hospital Cover provided under your plan)
    Day To Day Benefits

    Day to Day Practicioners

    • Dentist Visits €25 x 5 visits
    • Digital Doctor Unlimited. See for further information.
    • GP Visits €25 x 5 visits
    • Nurse on call Covered
    • Physiotherapist or Physical therapist €25 x 7 visits

    Day 2 Day Pack

    There are no Day 2 Day Pack benefits available.

    Allied Professionals and Alternative Practitioners

    • Acupuncturist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Chiropodist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Chiropractor €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Dietician €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Homeopath €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Massage therapist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Nutritionist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Occupational therapist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Orthoptist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Osteopath €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Podiatrist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Reflexologist €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Reiki practitioner €25 x 5 combined visits
    • Speech therapist €25 x 5 combined visits

    Other Day to Day Benefits

    • Consultant fees (non-maternity) €60 x 3 visits
    • Health Screening & allergy testing Up to €80 per policy year
    • Optical (eye test and/or glasses/lenses combined) €25 x 5 visits
    • Public A&E Cover €40 x 3 visits
    Elective Overseas Referral
    • Benefit abroad for surgical procedures that are available in Ireland Yes - subject to level of cover available in Ireland
    • Benefit abroad for surgical procedures that are not available in Ireland Yes - up to the amount for the most similar surgical procedure to treat the same condition in Ireland
    Download Table of Cover Download Table of Cover

    We have a total of 3 plans available at the below price point. View the full list of all available plans at this price point below.

See all plans

Call us if you need advice or help finding the most suitable plan for you 01 562 5100

*The most popular ranked plans are based on online sales data from January to September 2023.

*A 5% discount is available on BeneFit 1, BeneFit 2, BeneFit, BeneFit Extra, BeneFit Access 500, BeneFit Access 300, MyPlan 150, MyPlan 350, MyPlan 500, MyPlan 150 with day to day, MyPlan 350 with day to day and MyPlan 500 with day to day when you buy online.
The discount on the BeneFit range and MyPlan range of plans applies to new business policies taken out with a start date between 1st July to 31st December 2024.
The discounts will be deducted from the price shown.