day-to-day 50

Great benefits from only

€36.76 per month

The price and benefits apply to plans bought on or after 01 July 2024. For older plans check your Table of Cover or Log onto your Member Portal.

Important Information

Everyday Expenses

Everyday expenses faq image
GP Visits
See member benefits

Your Cover

Day to Day Practicioners
  • Dentist Visits 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Digital Doctor Unlimited. See for further information.
  • GP Visits 50% up to €30 x 15 visits
  • Physiotherapist or Physical therapist 50% up to €25 x 10 visits
Allied Professionals and Alternative Practitioners
  • Acupuncturist 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Chiropodist 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Chiropractor 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Dietician 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Homeopath 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Massage therapist 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Medical herbalist 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Occupational therapist 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Osteopath 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Reflexologist 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
Other Day to Day Benefits
  • Child psychology 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Child speech and language therapist 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Consultant fees 50% up to €70 per visit
  • Eye Test 50% up to €25 x 1 visit
  • Health Screen 50% up to €100 per annum
  • Hearing Test 50% up to €25 x 1 visit
  • Manual lymph drainage 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Pathology: Consultant fees 50% as per schedule of benefits for professional fees
  • Pathology: Cost of test 50% Cover
  • Pre/Post natal medical expenses 50% up to €250
  • Prescriptions 50% up to €25 per annum
  • Psycho-oncology counselling 50% up to €25 x 8 visits
  • Radiology: Consultant fees 50% as per schedule of benefits for professional fees
  • Radiology: Cost of test 50% Cover