day-to-day most

Great benefits from only

€15.39 per month

The price and benefits apply to plans bought on or after 01 July 2024. For older plans check your Table of Cover or Log onto your Member Portal.

Important Information

Everyday Expenses

Everyday expenses faq image
GP Visits
See member benefits

Your Cover

Day to Day Practicioners
  • Dentist Visits €25 x 5 visits
  • Digital Doctor Unlimited. See for further information.
  • GP Visits €25 x 5 visits
  • Nurse on call Covered
  • Physiotherapist or Physical therapist €25 x 7 visits
Allied Professionals and Alternative Practitioners
  • Acupuncturist €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Chiropodist €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Chiropractor €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Dietician €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Homeopath €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Massage therapist €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Nutritionist €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Occupational therapist €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Orthoptist €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Osteopath €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Podiatrist €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Reflexologist €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Reiki practitioner €25 x 5 combined visits
  • Speech therapist €25 x 5 combined visits
Other Day to Day Benefits
  • Consultant fees (non-maternity) €60 x 3 visits
  • Health Screening & allergy testing Up to €80 per policy year
  • Optical (eye test and/or glasses/lenses combined) €25 x 5 visits
  • Public A&E Cover €40 x 3 visits