What can I use the service for?
We are offering bespoke digital nutrition services so that you can avail of expert health and wellness advice from the comfort of your own home. You can consult with a Registered Dietician via video call, at a time that is convenient to you, to help you to achieve your health and wellness goals whatever they may be. With some simple steps, you can focus on achieving your health and wellness goals once and for all.
Adults Conditions we can help with:
Healthy eating
Low energy
Women’s health issues PCOS, menopause, PMS, pregnancy, fertility, Hypothalamic Amenhorrhoea
Digestive disorders IBS, IBD, GERD, Diverticular Disease, Celiac disease, NAFLD, pancreatitis, Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Inflammatory bowel disorders with intestinal obstructions, stricture and adhesions and stoma Management
Neurodegenerative conditions e.g Alzheimer’s with feeding difficulties
High cholesterol/ High triglycerides
Diabetes/ Pre-diabetes
Cancer with cachexia
Vegetarian/ Vegan diets
Weight management
Sports nutrition
Weight gain/ muscle gain
Allergies/Food intolerance
Skin problems (Acne / Eczema)
Deficiency disorder e.g Iron deficiency
Kidney Stones
Symptoms post and during cancer treatments e.g. radiation enteritis
Acute or chronic liver disease e.g alcoholic liver disease, hepatitis
Complication of bariatric surgery
Stroke rehabilitation
To access the service log into the member area and book an appointment today.
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How does it work?

Virtual dietician is provided by HealthHero and available to all Irish Life Health members. Members must be aged 18 years or older to use the service. Terms & Conditions apply