Claim up to €200 back on the HPV vaccine

Irish Life Health launches “Not Just for Girls” HPV awareness campaign to highlight the importance of HPV vaccination in boys, alongside girls. The benefits of vaccination in boys, alongside girls, is two-fold; not only does it help to prevent the spread of the virus to others, it also prevents HPV-related cancers in both males and females, by helping the immune system fight and clear the HPV infection.


Doctor Philip Kiernan resident GP on RTE’s ‘You should really see a doctor’ show answers the most common questions below:


Yes, HPV is a virus that can cause certain cancers and diseases. For females, certain types of HPV can cause cervical, vaginal, vulvar, and anal cancer and genital warts. For males, certain types of HPV can cause anal cancer and genital warts. HPV is also associated penile cancer and Head and neck cancers.

Exposure can happen with any kind of adolescent experimentation that involves genital contact with someone who has HPV. Intercourse isn't necessary, but it’s the most common way to get the virus. While your child may not be at risk now, the risk for getting HPV increases as they get older. That’s why it’s important to learn how you can help protect your child from HPV sooner rather than later.

HPV often has no visible signs or symptoms. Anyone can get the virus without even knowing it — and then pass it on.

Yes, males can get HPV, too. In fact, HPV can cause anal cancer and genital warts in males. For most people, HPV clears on its own. But, for others who don’t clear the virus, it could cause certain cancers and other diseases.

Cervical cancer is caused by certain types of HPV. When a female is infected with these types of HPV and the virus doesn't go away on its own, abnormal cells can develop in the cervix. If these abnormal cells are not found early through routine cervical cancer screening and treated, cervical cancer can develop. The highest rate of genital HPV infection is found in sexually active females who are less than 25 years old.

No, there are currently no available medicines that treat HPV infection. However, there are treatments for the HPV-related diseases that may develop. Talk to your doctor to learn how to help prevent certain cancers and diseases later in life for both males and females.

While 11 and 12 are the recommended ages for routine vaccination, females who are 13-26 and males who are 13-21 may still be able to catch up and receive HPV vaccination. Talk to your child’s doctor to help determine when the time is right.

In Ireland there are two vaccines currently licensed and available for the prevention of HPV infection. Cervarix®, manufactured by GSK, protects against infection with two HPV types (16 and 18). Gardasil®, manufactured by MSD, protects against infection with four HPV types (6, 11, 16 and 18).

Studies so far show that protection lasts for at least 10 years after a full course of the vaccine. It is expected that the vaccine will provide long term protection, through the body's ‘immune memory’.

Yes - HPV vaccines have also been shown to be effective in preventing infection in men. Some countries for example Australia and the United States, recommend routine vaccination for boys. This is not recommended as part of the school programme in Ireland at present. If you wish to get your son vaccinated you will need to pay for the vaccine and the administration of the vaccine privately. The HPV vaccine will protect girls from developing cervical cancer when they are adults and is available free of charge from the HSE.

Following an extensive reivew conducted by the european medicines agency looking at the data on 80million women who have been give the vaccine. There is no link seen between the vaccine and these conditions.

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